It's here! Our first Idlewild E-book
'Being Beans' is the first storybook of the 'Animals of Idlewild' series: heart-warming tales of courage, resilience and inclusion, starring Idlewild Animal Sanctuary residents past and present.
Featured Products

Idlewild Rescue Rangers
What do you get? ⭐️badge ⭐️pencil ⭐️membership card ⭐️welcome letter ⭐️updates through the year The updates will include information about the animals at Idlewild, animal facts, quizzes, puzzles, competitions, advice on how to help animals and more! Rescue Rangers is aimed at our younger supporters but there is no age limit on who can join!
Idlewild Animal Sanctuary

Why to choose our products
Our products are reusable and ethically sourced and made from recycled materials. 100% of our shop sale is directly donated to the care, nourishment, veterinary treatments and long term medications of our long term residents.
Sponsor an Idlewild resident today
The sanctuary does amazing work to rescue animals in need
Book a stay at Pen Bryn Twrw

Explore Our Catalogue
We have a range of sponsorship, animal gifts and more
Delivery & Returns
Our products will be dispatched on the Friday of each week, due to the volunteers priority of the animals care. All our products will be shipped 2nd class with Royal Mail. We do not offer returns.