My name is Nansi I am a Cashmere goat. My mum lived on the great Orme in Llandudno. I was born in someone’s garden but when my Mum got spooked, she ran off and left me behind. I had to be hand-reared and a lovely Vet nurse from Anglesey came along to help me. I had a lovely life for a few years with her and her family but sadly they were forced to give up our home (the family farm) so they brought me to the amazing people at Idlewild! They told me that I would be happy here and they were right. I currently live in a field with my lamb friends since my best friend Bella the sheep has passed away. I do miss Bella, but the lambs keep my busy. Stanley is my new best friend and we like to run around frolicking in the field together. My favourite treats are grapes and I will eat them all day long if you let me, I also love bananas and well a lot of things but I’m told I need to watch my weight HeHe. Please sponsor me today and